We aim at offering an alternative smart cost high-quality solution to perform petrophysical studies. PetroXL gathers the essential tools required for the majority of your petrophysical interpretation studies. It is an ideal solution for efficient evaluation in a context of Data Room, Bid Rounds, Wellsite, and Training. It works within Microsoft Excel 2010 and later versions.
- Possibility to perform a well data quick look analysis in a context where geoscientists do not have access to their usual software (operations, client location, data room…)
- Easy to learn, accessible to non-specialist (geophysicist, geologist, reservoir engineer)
- Workflow oriented architecture
- Essential functionalities for petrophysical interpretation
- Easy reporting thanks to predefined graphs and tables for an increased productivity
- Facilitated sensitivity analysis on input parameters
- Easily back-tracked and shared input parameters and results (no black box effects)
- All your work accessible without an active licence
- Flexible licencing rental option
- LAS import & export
- Composite display & Log editing
- Statistical analysis and interactive data filtering
- Tops definition, reservoir interpretation zonation
- Volume of clay and shales estimation
- Total and effective porosity estimation
- Water saturation estimation in flushed and virgin zone
- Net/Pay reservoir flags & statistics per formation

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